When I noticed that today is not December 25, he replied: It d. Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the reason that He came to earth more than 2000 years ago. The Birth of Jesus. The Bible does not give the exact date for the birth of Christ. Jesus loved us so much and sacrificed Himself to wash away all of our sins with His sinless blood (Revelation 1:5). Different views were connecting . In this regard, I recall how about 20 years ago, in the fall, an American Christian visited us. John 1:5). Jesus' Birthday. As the Bible says, "The Word became flesh and made his . No doubt you will find such information in an encyclopedia to which you have access. Matthew 1:21 says, "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he . A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. But early Christians did not celebrate his birth, and no one knows on which date Jesus was actually born (some scholars believe that the actual date was in the early . Reading Time: 9 minutes. The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus helps to explain the Christian vocation. Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encyclopedia states: "There is general agreement that Jesus was not born on December 25.". The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). This is where the promise of Christmas first began. The birth of Jesus is an act of mercy and grace. In a nutshell, that is why Jehovah's Witnesses gather each year on the anniversary of the death of Jesus to remember the ransom sacrifice that Jesus offered. 21 June 2022. It is, however, sad to observe how people usually celebrate Christmas. Most people could probably answer this question by stating "the birth of Christ.". For example, maybe you feel like the angels because you love to loudly tell people about Jesus. It is on your calendar, on your watch, on your birth certificate. On December 25th all around the world we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Roman Christian historian Sextus Julius Africanus dated Jesus' conception to March 25 (the same date upon which he held that the world was created), which, after nine months in his mother's womb, would result in a December 25 birth. What is important about the birth of Jesus Christ is the reminder for all of us. This Feast also points us toward a deeper understanding of the Feast of Pentecost which we will soon celebrate. And we celebrate His birth because of what He came to do. Jesus loved us so much and sacrificed Himself to wash away all of our sins with His sinless blood (Revelation 1:5). Because Jesus' ransom sacrifice gives obedient humans the opportunity to receive everlasting life. Also Know, why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25? The Bible says, "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). One reason December 25 may have been deemed suitable is its proximity to the winter solstice. And we celebrate His birth because He was God's gift to usfor through Him, God demonstrated His great love for us. Distribute Bibles. In Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation, authors Joel Beeke and William Boekestein share 31 reasons why Jesus Christ came to earth: 1. We all know why Jesus' birth is so important. The earliest celebration of Christmas, or the Feast of the Nativity, on December 25 was held in the year AD 336 in Rome. In 376, the bishop of Rome first required churches to keep the nativity festival on December 25. Let the wonder of that first Christmas fill your life todayand every day. As we celebrate His birth we must remember why God sent Him and the reason He was born. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. And there is no command to keep the day of Christ's birth as a sacred day. Christ was born to save! Say: God guided the wise men to baby Jesus with a star so they could show their love to him and offer gifts on the first Christmas. My family likes to read these together on Christmas Eve, right before we go to bed. You see, though the early Christians may not have known when Jesus was born . 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. Maybe you're like the shepherds, full of wonder. We adopted a Roman holiday, which was Dec. 25, and made that the celebration day for the birth of Jesus." He says we know from the New Testament that Jesus probably wasn't born in December. Gifts were exchanged on the 23rd and 24th. December 25 . We must go back and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season and why He is so. The reason Christians celebrate Christmas is His arrival was the beginning of hope for us. The Bible provides evidence that Jesus . He was born for humanity's rebirth. Say: Pick one person or object in this passage that you most identify with. The summer solsticeafter . As a sinner I need a Savior. With all the excitement, it's easy for children to forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas Day: The birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Ultimately, Pentecost is the Church's celebration of the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Tags: Top Stories. In fact, we have to travel back in time, all the way to the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and to the Garden of Eden. The earliest known reference to celebrating Jesus' birth on December 25 was in the Philocalian Calendar, a list of martyrs of the Roman Church, written in 354 but reflecting practices in 336. Significantly, most historians and Bible scholars reject December 25 as Jesus' date of birth. But are we truly celebrating the birth of Christ? The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). To gain His everlasting hall. Later, December 25 was assigned by the emperor . since B.C. The western date for Jesus' birth was chosen by Pope Leo I. El papa San Len I Magno . Likewise, people ask, when was Jesus born in the Bible? In fact, we have to travel back in time, all the way to the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and to the Garden of Eden. On 24 June we celebrate the birth of Saint John the Baptist, one of the most venerated Saints in the world, the last prophet of the Old Testament and the first Apostle of Jesus. Therefore, for me personally, Jesus' Birth is of the utmost importance. However, in his article, How December 25, became Christmas, historian Andrew McGowan suggests December 25 th was selected for a . But what does it all mean? We don't know the exact day of Jesus Christ's birth, but the particular date is really not the point anyway. The three titles the angel applies to Jesus are important. Then take time each day to draw strength from His Word, the Bible, and to pray, and to have fellowship with other believers. Romans 4:25 tells us, "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.". The birth of Jesus is where everything started. Jesus' Birthday. After that date the days start to become longer, and thus it is at the beginning of a season of light entering the world (cf. Christ was born to save! 6. We've not always put so much emphasis on birthday celebrations. For you see, we celebrate the birth of Jesus - not because of the crib - but because of the cross and Christ's glorious resurrection. From other details supplied by Josephus, we can pinpoint Herod the Great's demise as occurring between March 29th and April 4th in 4 B.C. Diocletian ordered the building doors sealed and then set fire to the building, killing all those inside. The Christmas celebration began around 336 in Rome, but it only became a major Christian event in the 9th century. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we remember all that he did and all that he gave to show us a way of peace, justice and most importantly, love. Brothers and Sisters, let us choose all things carefully with the spirit of God guiding our . 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. The reason is because slightly over 2,000 years ago, God stooped down from Heaven and became a human being: Jesus Christ. Bible scholars generally agree that Jesus was not born in the winter. Answer (1 of 8): Q: Should we celebrate Jesus' birthday or death and resurrection? In Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation, authors Joel Beeke and William Boekestein share 31 reasons why Jesus Christ came to earth: 1. The most popular reason why December 25 th was chosen is because the church was Christianizing the pagan celebration of Sol Inviticus a sun-god that Roman Emperor Aurelian had introduced on that date in 274 AD. God's Holy Spirit empowers us with the love of God, the motivation to obey Him and a sound mind to discern the . Summary: Celebrate the Birth of Jesus! By Billy Graham. Here is why we must retrace our steps and go back to remembering why this tradition exists. When he entered, he said Merry Christmas. "It could not have fallen in January or December, since at this time of the year the flocks are not found in open . For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Each chapter had discussion questions at the end along with verses for further reading. This would have been early spring because the New Testament indicates that Christ was crucified at Passover time, which falls in that part of the year. We celebrate the coming of God to be our savior and redeemer. means 'before Christ.'. If we celebrate Christmas the way it was meant to be celebrated, if we understood and lived the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, our lives will be transformed.. From the very beginning of time, God's plan, God's . God sent Jesus [His only begotten Son] unto the world - born of a virgin - who lived, was crucified, paid our sin debt, and arose from the grave so that He . 1. Jesus is the Savior who delivers us from sin and death ( Matthew 1:21 ). He died in our place that we may be pardoned and be returned to a right relationship with God. The reason Christians celebrate Christmas is His arrival was the beginning of hope for us. It is where His death on the cross and His resurrection started from. Most Christians today probably can't imagine Christmas on any other day than December 25, but it wasn't always that way. But there are 3 birthdays that the Catholic Church celebrates: Jesus on December 25th (duh! The birth of Jesus was the greatest prophetic fulfillment that has ever occurred. Christmas is literally "the mass for Christ", the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. Published Dec 14, 2021. We've not always put so much emphasis on birthday celebrations. In this passage of Scripture we have recorded for us the birth of Christ. ( Romans 6:23) Thus, each year, on the anniversary of his death, Jesus' followers remember Jesus Christ, not as a . Second, notice that the text says nothing about the specific number of wise men visiting Christ. This is some great news . At Christmas time why celebrate Jesus? In Why the Nativity? On the 25th December they would celebrate "The Birth of The Unconquerable Sun." It was decided that this would be a day for celebrating the birth of Jesus instead. Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. It is, however, sad to observe how people usually celebrate Christmas. To help remind us of why we celebrate Christmas, here are five key Bible verses that celebrate the birth of Jesus. The term "Christmas" comes from the Old English Cristes Maesse, which means Christ's mass. Have kids turn to Luke 2:1-20 and scan it quickly. It is my privilege to be a chaplain in this vulnerable and transforming community. The baby in the manger grew up to be the sacrificial lamb for all of humankind.